Now, we know what you might be thinking…
FARx uses your computer’s camera and microphone to continually authenticate the user.
So, what about user privacy?
Fortunately, our proprietary technology falls under international financial services regulation.
Did you know there is an international standard that covers the application of biometric technology in financial services?
ISO 19092:2008 introduced types of biometric technologies and addressed issues concerning their use.
If you ignore the lengthy name, this is a very important piece of legislation and ensures that all personally identifiable information (PII) is safe and secure.
It means such technology complies with GDPR and encrypts any data that is needed.
The ISO standard describes how to implement the technology, the ongoing management of the data, and specifies the minimum security requirements.
All FARx biometric solutions are designed to meet the ISO 19092:2008 requirement and encrypt communications between client business applications and the FARx system itself.
More on how we do that soon.